Terms of use

Dear users,

Before you start using this platform, please take care of them read the stated conditions for its use. Every visit to this web platform means that you have read these terms and conditions and that you comply with them. If the terms are unacceptable to you, please do not use this platform.

  • General terms
  • The ProveriProdavnica.com team has the copyright to all content (text, visual and audio materials, databases and programming code) or are used with the written permission of the copyright holder and the copyright holder for trademarks and / or designs. Any copying, distribution, transmission, publication, linking to or otherwise modifying this website without express written consent consent is strictly prohibited. Violation of the general terms of use may to initiate civil proceedings and / or prosecution against perpetrators of copyright, trademark and copyright infringement or rights to any other form of intellectual property.

    The links (links) on this site to the sites of independent manufacturers are set solely to make your job easier. If you decide to access to one of the standalone manufacturers' websites related to this location, you do so at your own risk.

  • Links to other websites
  • The links (links) on this site to the sites of independent manufacturers are set solely to make your job easier. If you decide to access to one of the standalone manufacturers' websites related to this location, you do so at your own risk.

  • Site access
  • The ProveriProdavnica.com team reserves the right to change or terminate it at any time any aspect or function of the site, including, but not limited to, content, hours of availability and equipment needed to access or use the site.

    The ProveriProdavnica.com team reserves the right to change or terminate it at any time any aspect or function of the site, including, but not limited to, content, hours of availability and equipment needed to access or use the site.